How much do you charge per dozen? And location

I don’t even know how to do that LOL, all my “friends and family” expect them for free, unfortunately 🫠
Maybe advertise to neighbors? I'm now an "official" egg farmer. I have permits and everything - lol! And I only have 11 laying chickens! 😂

I'm registering a business name soon, too, since I'm going to be breeding and selling geese. I haven't advertised yet, but I frequently see folks advertising on social media. That's the route I'm going.

I'm also making a website, YouTube channel, and Instagram account, but that'll be more for the geese.
I understand your point, and to a point I see part of the rationale for selling them cheaper especially at certain times.
A few years ago we were part of the local farmers market. It was kind of a cliquish, political thing to which we were outsiders coming in. They had a so called gentleman’s agreement to not under sell things because they didn’t/couldn’t have a set price per their bylaws.
As new comers we had to pay our dues so to speak and build our reputation with a very limited customer base.
We had white Leghorn chickens at the time, because that’s the only kind my mother wanted around. Great egglayers, healthy good doing hens. At the farmers market folks just turned up their nose and walked on when they saw those white eggs,
The other vendors had brown eggs and or the Easter egg types and one was an organic outfit. We were not moving hardly any eggs at the same price as those. We decided that since white eggs are less expensive in the grocery that we needed to drop our price a 50 cents a dozen at least and discount a dollar on the purchase of 2 dozen just to move some eggs. The powers that be caught wind of it and gave us a lecture. Once we explained why we discounted, it simmered down and we were able to sell out of eggs most times and so did everybody else.
The next year I got Barred Rocks and Australorps and priced our eggs the same as everybody else from the start of that market season.
We’re a farm close by a smaller midsize city so we don’t really have the population numbers to get the prices for eggs that folks in the bigger cities can. It’s pretty much within a dollar or two of what the store prices are e en for farmers markets.
We no longer sell at farmers market and try to just recoup some of our feed costs by selling to friends and neighbors to justify having our own eggs. We love having our fresh eggs.
It’s been kind of hard to navigate as during the winter they slack off laying and during the summer when they are laying good people are often traveling and thus not always steady to get eggs.
We are currently selling ours for a little above grocery store prices.
I totally feel for you guys! In that situation at the farmer's market I'd probably have done the same thing. I've avoided getting white egg layers myself so far for this exact reason - they look just like supermarket eggs and don't have the exotic appeal of colored eggs (although I might get just one soon to help my blue eggs color show better by contrast in the egg carton). Nothing beats the white leghorn in egg size or egg production, but I can't point to those white eggs and say "look at my specialty niche product that you should pay a specialty price for".

The ISA browns' eggs are prolific and sell well, but I'm still looking for blue and green layers that have the egg size and lay rate of the white leghorns. Hoover's hatchery starlight green eggers and prairie bluebell eggers are close, but not quite all I'm looking for.

It's hard to support production of a quality product when your customer base doesn't understand or support your pricing.
See!! I knew someone would come forward and confirm that for me!
lol. My neighbors and I have an arrangement for beef- they have chickens so don’t need eggs, but they lack pasture for 3 beef cattle. I have a lush pasture they use, so they gift us some beef—and I get to keep their fertilizer, too. Winner winner beef steak dinner :thumbsup
Oh - also... I stated out just giving them away, and once my friends and family found out I was charging others, they insisted on paying, too.
Can’t say the same here lol! They all know we sell eggs for only $3 a dozen. Cheapest here is close to $5 for regular white eggs. However, certain family members seem to think that since we have them we should be supplying them for free. Funny how that works. Last time I checked feed, care, and maintenance isn’t free lol. For the time being we will do what we can, but that’s not going to last much longer since we are getting more and more regular customers that are helping offset cost.

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