How much do you pay for feed??

= A house payment
Unimpressed Viola Davis GIF
I have been paying $26.99 for flock raiser at TSC and they eat so much feed it gets expensive. Is this alot for feed? How much do you pay?
I have 22 chickens and was paying that price initially, but then one of the workers actually turned me towards the All Flock Crumble which is around $16 a bag. I also travel about 15-20 miles to a feed store and I purchase their scratch for $13.99 as well as their chick grower mask and I mix the dry mash and crumble until my girls start laying. It helps it go farther. Plus they get scratch once a week and free range. Our costs have definitely decreased. We also have 26 ducks that were eating just the crumble as well, they have all now upgraded to layer pellets, crumble and cracked corn, so, yes we're buying more but it goes a long way to mix your own feed.
In Wisconsin, USA - I’m paying $19-20 for a 50lb. bag of 16% pro. layer pellets, and $21-22 for a 50lb. bag of 18% pro. non-medicated starter-grower crumble.
I just started fermenting my feed, however, so that should cut back on the total amount they go through. ultimately saving money. we shall see.
Our two dogs and one cat are all on Rx diets, and let's just say it ain't cheap. Less expensive than treating their issues without those diets though.
We are down to thirty chickens, fewest we've had for wintering in ages. So, they do eat less than the forty plus we often have over winter.
Maybe we'll do chicks in spring, starting to plan now...

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