How much fluid can I give?


Apr 12, 2021
Back story, chicken stung in mouth by bark scorpion 21 hours ago, witnessed. Became lethargic and paralyzed. I am giving fluids/electrolytes via a syringe. She can now hold her head up some and move her wings. Legs are still splayed out but she’s beginning to move them. I have given Benadryl and one dose of liquid calcium secondary to the neurotoxins and spasticity. She actually seemed better an hour after the calcium.
My only question is I don’t want to fluid overload her, via a syringe, but to make sure she’s getting enough fluid. How many mL can I give at once?
Thank you!
Wow, that must have been scary. It sounds like you are doing a great job getting her back to health.

Supposedly a hen is supposed to drink about 16 oz a day, I don't think it is practical to try to dropper feed that amount. I would almost suggest tube feeding the liquids, but that sounds like it would be too stressful for her in this state. Hopefully someone else will have some good advice, too, and this can act as a bump.
Water should always be given by weight. How much does she weigh?

A chicken's crop can hold 5% of its body weight. That would be the maximum to give, but one should start with 2-3% and gradually increase.

5% of one pound = ~23 ml
3% of one pound = ~14 ml
2% of one pound = ~9 ml
Water should always be given by weight. How much does she weigh?

A chicken's crop can hold 5% of its body weight. That would be the maximum to give, but one should start with 2-3% and gradually increase.

5% of one pound = ~23 ml
3% of one pound = ~14 ml
2% of one pound = ~9 ml
About 40ml for a medium sized bird then.
Wow, they just shovel them down, but then get stung, but rarely? That sounds so action packed! I live in a different world up here. 😅

So understandable to panic. I'm sure she was panicking. It is so hard to stay calm when venom is involved because it freaks everyone out by its nature. I think.

I'll tag someone if no one responds by later tonight.
Yeah they eat scorpions and snakes down here. Never had a problem. This time we actually saw her eat it and then bam…
Thank you. I hope someone chimes in!
If her crop is empty 40ml at a time is a good starting point.
Chickens vary quite a lot in both crop capacity and how much they drink.
A rough average is 500ml per day in warm to hot conditions.
Hey @nuthatched, do you have a recommendation for how much fluid this person should be trying to dropper feed to their hen? She is healing from a scorpion sting.
Sapphie is standing!!!!
Wobbly but standing
Within an hour of the calcium she was more alert. I've syringed fluids every 1.5 hours alternating between water and electrolytes
She just ate her favorite treat out of my hand
That seemed to wear her out but she she's sitting feet tucked under her and fell back asleep

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