How much longer


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 22, 2009
OMG! I have to buy store eggs

It has been a month sense the girls stopped laying, everyone is molting.
Can I turn on a light to try and start them laying or should I wait until they finish molting?
They are 2 to 3 years old
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I would up their protein and be most concerned about finishing the moult. Once they are feathered up, then the idea of adding some pre-dawn light makes a little sense. It is difficult to both produce feathers and lay. Both require protein and the hen's body can only do what it can do. Hopefully, the cooler weather will also spur feather production.
ALL of my ladies have decided to go to moult too..... and It's late spring here! Thankfully I have neighbours with loads of chickens & they are able to keep me stocked up most of the time. Having to buy store bought eggs... is just.. not RIGHT!

Mine have been going in waves, I have some that are close to laying again, some that are mid molt, and some that just started. Luckily for me, 2 new layers just started up yesterday.

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