How much oregano is good for chickens?

Henlo fellow chicken lovers! To reduce bacteria, viruses, etc, in my chickens I want to start adding dried oregano to their diet. How much oregano per chicken? Can it be given daily? Also, to help them grow their feathers back beautifully, I want to make them a molting mix with flaxseed and BOSS. I was wondering if it would be ok to add some dried shredded coconut to it. Thanks!
This works for me and it's amazing....
It's oregano... little bit of basil... a little bit of black pepper... white pepper if you prefer. Add this to a nice hot tea of carrots, celery, onions, and copious amounts of garlic.
Oh,and garlic is also an antibacterial.
Ease the chicken into a warm hot bath of this tea, slightly raising the temperature to boiling point, and cover.

This is great for colds and those cloudy rainy days.
Those are just blogs... Not real studies, your proof is kind of proving the point @TheOddOneOut

even the one about the "commercial farms have started..." Means nothing, that was without context.

It is dangerous to just assume because someone put it on a blog then it must be true and safe.

As to the theory that If they eat it when it is available to them it must be safe and good for them, I would like to point out two things:

-Mucky puddles are always "more interesting" than clean water bowls :rolleyes:


- Styrofoam a favorite food group.
it was multiple blogs, and 1 said "studies have shown" but believe what you want
Did they provide sources for the studies that have shown it?
I don't know, if ANYONE has questions, Google is happy to find the studies for you. I am busy, we gave a storm heading here, my chicken just passed away, and i can't go searching for links
i linked a study about the benefits of oregano in chickens
I don't know, if ANYONE has questions, Google is happy to find the studies for you. I am busy, we gave a storm heading here, my chicken just passed away, and i can't go searching for links
I meant specifically the post Pampers said that claimed "studies have shown".

I could write "studies have shown chickens prefer gold flecks in their feed over bugs", but unlessni actually provide the studies that have shown that, it doesn't really mean anything

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