How much should I be trying to get this crossbeak to eat daily? And can I train her to eat sideways?

My crossbeak Elwood P. Dowd did just fine on his own. He grew up to be a huge rooster! He was never aggressive either. Unfortunately a dog killed him when he was 3. :hit

Elwoods cross beak Aug 2016.jpg
Edwood grown with crossbeak small.jpg
I just wanted to encourage you to let the chicken try on it's own. You never know what system they will develop to get the nutrition they need! Good Luck! :hugs
Vet isn't in today, and no response to email yet. Little Miss Crossbeak is holding her own and it's warmer outside than inside again, so I've sent her out to be with her brothers and sisters. Fingers crossed she'll be okay. :fl

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