How much space?


8 Years
Dec 1, 2011
Rainier, Oregon
I am thinking about getting a pair of ostriches and was wondering how big of a pasture they need? and what they eat (from feed store) and how much do they eat? and how tall of a fence do they need and what type? horse fencing, field fencing, hog fencing or what type of fencing do I need for them, and how much and where can I find 2 or 3 baby ostriches, (proably to late in the year now)
Oh, wow!! Ostriches!!

The Big Debate here, Poultry09, is How Much Space Do Emus Need? The answer is: a lot!! Oddly though, notwithstanding that this is the Ostriches section, I ummm . . . don’t think there are a lot of ostrich breeders here – are there? I hope I’m not offending.

Try ‘Emu Husbandry Guidelines Swarbrick.’ There is a great section there on habitat, including the arithmetic of reasonable-sized pens. Also, invest some time cruising the past threads. There is a wealth of information from experienced breeders.

So, to give you a wild guesstimation, just to get the ball rolling, what if we said -- wa has ha -- that an ostrich is one-and-a-half emus?

Supreme Emu
Last edited:
Oh, wow!! Ostriches!!

The Big Debate here, Poultry09, is How Much Space Do Emus Need? The answer is: a lot!! Oddly though, notwithstanding that this is the Ostriches section, I ummm . . . don’t think there are a lot of ostrich breeders here – are there? I hope I’m not offending.

Try ‘Emu Husbandry Guidelines Swarbrick.’ There is a great section there on habitat, including the arithmetic of reasonable-sized pens. Also, invest some time cruising the past threads. There is a wealth of information from experienced breeders.

So, to give you a wild guesstimation, just to get the ball rolling, what if we said -- wa has ha -- that an ostrich is one-and-a-half emus?

Supreme Emu
Not offending at all, I apreciate you trying to help! I thought ostriches where more common?, but I guess not? I will try to find that Emu guidline and read it over, thanks!
Morning, Poultry09, I love you dearly; but actually meant any existing ostrich breeders here on BYC. We are 'Ostriches, Emus, and Rheas.' We have emus and rheas. We have cassowaries. But I don't know if we have any ostrich persons -- hence me wading in here.

What is worth noting is this: yes, there is a wealth of information on commercial emu and ostrich farming, and there's value in that; but it does tend to centre on chopped-up bits of birds for sale in plastic bags. I promise you -- I looked long and hard -- there isn't another spot on the Net where you'll find nearly as much knowledge and interest as here

about ratites

which is what ostriches are -- hence my one-and-a-half joke.

Morning, Poultry09, I love you dearly; but actually meant any existing ostrich breeders here on BYC. We are 'Ostriches, Emus, and Rheas.' We have emus and rheas. We have cassowaries. But I don't know if we have any ostrich persons -- hence me wading in here.

What is worth noting is this: yes, there is a wealth of information on commercial emu and ostrich farming, and there's value in that; but it does tend to centre on chopped-up bits of birds for sale in plastic bags. I promise you -- I looked long and hard -- there isn't another spot on the Net where you'll find nearly as much knowledge and interest as here

about ratites

which is what ostriches are -- hence my one-and-a-half joke.

Ok missunderstood you lol, thanks for giving me some great info!
First make sure you dont need a permit to own one. Different states have different rules. I don't raise or keep ostrich....males can get too aggressive, but I think in terms of space for one or two ostrich should at least be what you would typically give a running horse. Fence height I would go at least six feet... You don't want one of those bad boys to get out and Hotwire does nothing to them. They make a ratite diet that your feed store can order for you... Or you can make a mix of all stock, dog food, chicken food and some alfalfa pellet. Just compare the nutrient content on the back of the bags.
First make sure you dont need a permit to own one. Different states have different rules. I don't raise or keep ostrich....males can get too aggressive, but I think in terms of space for one or two ostrich should at least be what you would typically give a running horse. Fence height I would go at least six feet... You don't want one of those bad boys to get out and Hotwire does nothing to them. They make a ratite diet that your feed store can order for you... Or you can make a mix of all stock, dog food, chicken food and some alfalfa pellet. Just compare the nutrient content on the back of the bags.
Ok great!, thanks will do!
I cant help you find any Ostriches, just keep on the hunt for them but, Ostriches need about a quarter acre to keep a happy breeding pair. They can get aggressive and need to be able to run and strengthen their legs like a lot of other birds. The more space you can give them the better, as well as if you get chicks try your best to imprint on them so they will be tamer. As for fences, make sure they are tight gapes (if wooden fences) and at least 5 feet tall. They will grow to be 8 feet tall so they can get over the smaller fences, not to mention plow through them if they arent sturdy enough. As for what the others have said, you should be able to pick up a ratite crumble from your local feed store which should be good for them, or you can make up your own (google it).
I cant help you find any Ostriches, just keep on the hunt for them but, Ostriches need about a quarter acre to keep a happy breeding pair. They can get aggressive and need to be able to run and strengthen their legs like a lot of other birds. The more space you can give them the better, as well as if you get chicks try your best to imprint on them so they will be tamer. As for fences, make sure they are tight gapes (if wooden fences) and at least 5 feet tall. They will grow to be 8 feet tall so they can get over the smaller fences, not to mention plow through them if they arent sturdy enough. As for what the others have said, you should be able to pick up a ratite crumble from your local feed store which should be good for them, or you can make up your own (google it).

Awesome thanks for the info I am still thinking about getting them or not I just haven't decided, I have a friend that is going to lollies in april and I might have her get me some chicks if they have them and are a fair price.
First make sure you dont need a permit to own one. Different states have different rules. I don't raise or keep ostrich....males can get too aggressive, but I think in terms of space for one or two ostrich should at least be what you would typically give a running horse. Fence height I would go at least six feet... You don't want one of those bad boys to get out and Hotwire does nothing to them. They make a ratite diet that your feed store can order for you... Or you can make a mix of all stock, dog food, chicken food and some alfalfa pellet. Just compare the nutrient content on the back of the bags.

I talked to my friend (she own a wildlife conservation center) and she told me I don't need a license to own them but I do have to get my USDA license if I want to sell the chicks,

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