How much to feed keets?


7 Years
Oct 24, 2016
Southern Indiana
It’s been awhile since I’ve had keets but these guys seem to be eating me out of house and home!!! I have assisted hatch and 2 others with splayed legs are doing great!!! I kept taking their wraps off and wasn’t seeing much improvement and the one was a bit smaller than all the others. Finally after about 10 days I just took them off and now I can tell them from the rest! Anyways I have a small feeder in there now and I’m filling it about 3/4 full twice a day! Do you constantly provide food for them or am I over feeding them?!
It’s been awhile since I’ve had keets but these guys seem to be eating me out of house and home!!! I have assisted hatch and 2 others with splayed legs are doing great!!! I kept taking their wraps off and wasn’t seeing much improvement and the one was a bit smaller than all the others. Finally after about 10 days I just took them off and now I can tell them from the rest! Anyways I have a small feeder in there now and I’m filling it about 3/4 full twice a day! Do you constantly provide food for them or am I over feeding them?!
I keep food available to keets in the brooder at all times. When the feeder empties too quickly, I switch to a bigger feeder. Just make sure they are actually eating it and not spreading it everywhere.
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I keep food available to keets in the brooder at all times. When the feeder empties to quickly, I switch to a bigger feeder. Just make sure they are actually eating it and not spreading it everywhere.
They are 2 weeks now so probably time for a hanging feeder and to move them from
guinea pig/ rabbit cage to the dog kennel. So last batch I raised as keet in my garage. That’s where this group is now. My husband thinks the older ones constantly come on the porch and driveway because I raised them in the garage. I can agree with that. He’s wanting me to move the keets down to the pole barn now in hopes this will help that issue (them pooping all over the porch and driveway) you think it might help?
They are 2 weeks now so probably time for a hanging feeder and to move them from
guinea pig/ rabbit cage to the dog kennel. So last batch I raised as keet in my garage. That’s where this group is now. My husband thinks the older ones constantly come on the porch and driveway because I raised them in the garage. I can agree with that. He’s wanting me to move the keets down to the pole barn now in hopes this will help that issue (them pooping all over the porch and driveway) you think it might help?
For the adults, I only feed and water them in their coop. I always brood mine in a 4'x4' brooder in the back of my main coop.

If you give yours treats anytime they are near the house, they will keep coming back. Only give them rewards for being in the areas that you want them to be and never in the areas that you don't want them.

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