How much would you pay for 7 month old barred rock hens

said they were born may 27th 09, so 7 months old sunday. they have 10 available for $ 10.00 a piece . i will get 2 tommorow. iv been looking for barred rocks in my area. cant pass this up.
Well..if they are laying, which they should be by that age....I guess that's an ok price?
After all the owner has had to FEED then to this age.

We have 4 Barred Rocks, and 3 of them started laying at about (?) 22 weeks or so...we had one freeloader that waited a LONG time, but she is now onboard...(
). We have had hot/cold/stormy/just plain BAD weather, and we still get 2-3 or 4 eggs a day from our 4 hens! They are amazingly adaptable!
yes i hope they are laying by now at 7months old. i usually dont pay more than 7or 8 dollars a piece for birds. i only want a couple to add to my flock of 19 hens and a rooster. so i guess 20.00 bucks isnt to bad .

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