how noisey are turkeys?

I had BB Bronze turkeys last summer. They were only "noisy" if startled. They would gobble. They are really mellow, actually. I really enjoyed raising them, would LOVE to do more, but I'm moving back to Portland

Are you in the country or in town? I think it would be funny to be living in a town where you'd hear a turkey gobble every so often

Edited to add: they were MUCH quieter than a rooster or a hen laying. They sometimes make these R2-D2 noises, sort of electrical robot sounds or something. That's the only way I can describe it. But it isn't loud.
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nope I am in a residential area
I pretend I do not have birds
so I keep muscovy ducks
and my rooster comes in and sleeps in a kennel at night so he does not wake up the neighborhood in the morning

I hear good things about turkeys, and am finding some very helpful threads here
thank you for replying
I can imgin that since thier voice is deeper it might not travel like my banties high pitched voices do
they tom's will gobble and the hens make a yelp sound. I would say they are quieter than a rooster crowing, the hens yelp does carry and it is higher pitched. There isn't really any one breed that is quieter than another. Your best option is get rid of the neighbors and get a whole bunch of turkeys!
just a thought

Steve in NC
We love our bb turkey. The feed store actually sold her to us as a brown leghorn. Then she grew and grew and got rather ugly. Well, for a chicken. As a turkey she's beautiful, and not very loud, her burble is actually enjoyable. She does eat alot though. We keep her with a black silkie banty and two bobwhites. They are quite a group. The turkey hen is gentle as can be and likes to be petted. Wish we had room for more but dh put a kebosh on any more anything.
We bought a 2.5 yr. old blue slate tom right before winter and he gobbles at everything. I enjoy hearing him gobble though. I'll sometimes go over and say "turkey" and he will gobble.
We say, "Kitty, kitty, kitty" and ours gobbles!

We have a trio of royal palms and one Narragansett and they are all pretty quiet.

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