how often do you clean your duck pond?

They make trash pumps that will suck debris up to 1" in diameter, just set the pump in and use a hose with a pressure nozzle to work the matter to the pump, no need to handle the stuff!! Unless you have nowhere to drain it.!!
yeah, I imagine anything to get even just the water out...then i can do whats left with the milk jug? never thought of aquarium siphon, don't know if that would work unless its motorized?

duh, or I could also just let the pond filter pump do the work (I could just redirect the return flow OUT of the pond...and just make sure it doesnt get too low and run outa water to pump.
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I have an aquarium siphon (for my fish, obviously) where you just take the siphon end, and pump it up and down in the water, and the suction will start on it's own. Siphons are pretty cheap now, versus a few years back, and you can get some nice ones too! They sell hose extenders and coil-ers and the like to go with them too.
but I thought a siphon like that could only run down hill...not from the bottom of a fish pond UP to ground level. without a mechanical pump going...

It runs from the bottom of a fish tank up and out to the hose, then down to the drain of the sink.
Why not out of the pond and out onto the ground?

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