How old are my chicks?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 19, 2013
I got some chicks from the store the about a week ago and they told me that they were a week older than the new ones that they had just gotten in. They have long feathers on their wings and tails and are starting to get them on their necks. They have also already changed from yellow to white and are starting to get the comb on top already. How old does this make them? How much longer until I can let them start going outside?
well, my chicks are pretty well feathered out and will not hang out under the light at all anymore, but huddle so close to eachother that they may as well be one big chick. LOL. It seems this is more for safety than to stay warm, since they seem to be scared of their own shadows. They are jumping and trying to fly around and pecking at the walls of the brooder box. It is supposed to be in the 50's and 60's for the next week with lows in the 30's. Is it safe to put them in the coop with the adults with the heat lamp, of course?

Also, do leghorns fly pretty well? My red sex-links don't so I have never put a cover over their outside running area.
well, my chicks are pretty well feathered out and will not hang out under the light at all anymore, but huddle so close to eachother that they may as well be one big chick. LOL. It seems this is more for safety than to stay warm, since they seem to be scared of their own shadows. They are jumping and trying to fly around and pecking at the walls of the brooder box. It is supposed to be in the 50's and 60's for the next week with lows in the 30's. Is it safe to put them in the coop with the adults with the heat lamp, of course?

Also, do leghorns fly pretty well? My red sex-links don't so I have never put a cover over their outside running area.

I have heard leghorns are flyers. and scare easily but wonderful layers :) we are picking up our leghorns tomorrow!
Same boat, but mine are Production Reds. I was guessing 3 to 3 1/2 weeks old. They're in the brooder with 7 Buff Orps that are only a week & it's driving the little ones bonkers with all that attempted flying, preening, stretching, & bull dozing them over with the occassiobal need to run from their shadow. Lol I'm battling heat issues. They don't need as much, but babies need it. Think it's time for relocation of PR's.
Hello! I purchased my chicks 16 days ago and I am trying to figure out how old they were at purchase. Rookie nistake - not asking. At any rate her is a pic from the day after I brought them home. Their wings were mostly feathered.


I am thinking 2 weeks old? What do you think?
I have heard leghorns are flyers. and scare easily but wonderful layers :) we are picking up our leghorns tomorrow!

I have 6 Leghorn hennies and they have really grown on me! They do get spooked, and can fly - but they are so eager for treats, they all but climb me and step on one another to get one! I am excited for them to start laying, I also heard they are great layers!

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