How old before your Roo started crowing and showing spurs


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2020
SW Virginia
Was just curious about how old some of y'alls Roosters were before they started Crowing and showing signs of spurs? I ask because we are trying to determine the sex of 2 of our flock. I've posted pics on another local site, and MAN..... we hear both. When we got them, they were sold as pullets, but nothing is usually 100%, so we decided to wait it out until the obvious happens. Btw..... one of them is my wife's Lavender Orpington and is a beauty and we are really hoping it's a hen. They are all about 10 1/2 weeks old now. Looking forward to y'alls replies.

Cluck on y'all 🐓
My sebright started to crow around 6 weeks. He was an early bloomer, and the other 2 started trying a few weeks later since he influenced them 😂. That being said they're now 11ish weeks old and all 3 are noticeably roos by comb, wattles and their tails!
My Australorp is 12 weeks now, he started crowing at 8 weeks

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