How old does this horse look?

your going to want to watch his back.. He's starting to sway and his hind end is starting to thin out.. Might want to look into 3x a day feedings and possibly even wet it down to a mash to make it easier for him to eat and digest.. Also when was the last time he had his teeth floated?
i don't think it's the position of his hind quarters..
I wish he could still be ridden, he's a wonderful boy! He has Navicular in the right front leg. He was ridden hard when he was young (reining, gaming..just about every speed event imaginable) I have a younger mare (the arab) he's quite attached to and that's why he looks great...he ends up half-cantering half-trotting to keep up with her trotting..tehe..
He doesn't need his teeth floated too often, old owner said last float was 4 years ago and we had the vet check when he was floating another horse and he said they were fine... He is a "hard keeper" and "stayed at one weight" until i got him, so for him he looks great. But I will definitely start adding water to it to make it easier to digest!
Isn't it just like an old man to go chasin' after the younger women?!
As for him thinning out in the hind quarters, he might be a bit but he actually looks pretty good to me for his age, particularly with his navicular. Tell that lady friend of his she's doing a great job keeping him moving!
once they start getting up there in age it starts to get harder to keep weight on them.. But if you fallow the lines of where he should be in the back and hindquarters and how heavy his front end is, he was one stocky boy when he was younger! Glad you got him looking better!

Looking at him makes me miss my old man :'(

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once they start getting up there in age it starts to get harder to keep weight on them.. But if you fallow the lines of where he should be in the back and hindquarters and how heavy his front end is, he was one stocky boy when he was younger! Glad you got him looking better!

Looking at him makes me miss my old man :'(

Yeah i agree, his front does look a bit heavier then his back and hindquarters.... So let me try to remember. A horse that weighs 1250..about 6lbs of grain, is that right? I know there's some kind of math to it..i just don't remember!
He gets about 4-5lbs of grain and senior feed mix.
once they start getting up there in age it starts to get harder to keep weight on them.. But if you fallow the lines of where he should be in the back and hindquarters and how heavy his front end is, he was one stocky boy when he was younger! Glad you got him looking better!

Looking at him makes me miss my old man :'(

Yeah i agree, his front does look a bit heavier then his back and hindquarters.... So let me try to remember. A horse that weighs 1250..about 6lbs of grain, is that right? I know there's some kind of math to it..i just don't remember!
He gets about 4-5lbs of grain and senior feed mix.

You got me on that one.. I use one of the feed scoops you get from feed store and TSC.. fat horses (like my Thoroughbred) would get 1 scoop hay replacer
young slimmer horses would get 2 scoops (1 sweet feed, 1 hay replacer)
older thinning horses would get 3 scoops (1 Sweet OR 1 hay replacer and 2 senior) mixed an mashed mashed.. at that age the sweet feed is to only keep their appetite up if they turn their nose up at the Senior.. but if they'll eat anything I use hay replacer.. I've even had to smuther one horse's senior feed in syrup because she turned her nose up at everything!
Gotta love those picky horses! If he likes the food he literally licks the bucket clean..unless it has a supplement he doesn't like in it...I think i saw those scoops when i was there the other day...Maybe i'll pick one up when i go Tuesday...

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