How old is it okay to use chicken leg tags?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 20, 2012
I have eight 2month and 9day year old chickens (they're still growing) and we've given them names. But they all look the same so we've bought them leg tags. I'm hesitant to put them on them because they're still growing. Is it ok or do i leave them until they've grown a bit more? thanks :)
Don't make them too tight. Just make them loose enough that their legs have room to grow. Plan on changing them as they grow. Keep an eye on how tight they are and leave room to cut them off or you will restrict the blood flow to the legs. Chicks legs grow rapidly to keep up with the growth of the chick and carry its weight. They can be somewhat loose as the spred chick toes will keep the tag from falling off. What type of tags are you planning to use. Colored leg bands?
They seem to be all the same size. Just make sure they aren't too tight or too loose. Take them off if they don't have some play in them before they get too tight. They should fit like a bangle bracelet. I have used small colored zip ties. I cut off the excess. I can replace them as the chicks grow.
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is that the same for already full grown chickens? because i have 2 of those and the clip fits them but theres no extra space. and also my younger chooks are half silky so there going to be small. the 2 full grown ones are red hens
I like to buy ones that are more like snap bracelets, which are also great because you can have either your chicken's name printed on the outside of each band, or your phone number (great if you have a small backyard flock and are worried they'll get lost & want to provide a way for them to be returned). has them in different sizes and colors.


I've always wondered if people have issues with injuries caused by pecking at the leg bands. Forgive me if that is a stupid question, but this is my first year and my chickens like to peck at anything abnormal.

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