How old is my duckling?

Basically they need a heat lamp until they get feathers. They feathers will help keep them warm while the down does not. They would be sitting under mother duck for a long time. If they get cold they will die.
I adjusted my setup according to the guide attached to Lydia's post. Thoughts?
I also used a nice digital thermometer and fixed my lamps to be the right temperature. Previously I fell a little short. I positioned the lamps so that there is a completely dark corner. The water dish is more restrictive. They are sleeping........ Thank god.
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I can't tell 100% for sure, but it looks like a two-month-old female Muscovy.

This is my 2 ½ month female Muscovy, Whisper, and they look very similar: (I think Whisper is slightly older than yours, though, because of the caruncles and wings.)

(Also, I think the color is barred gray, but not sure.) friendly is yours? This one has a temper...I Dnt think she was socialized or kept in too clean an environment as she was nasty when my daughter caught her at the fair...she was the very last one wanted her as she was competing with baby ducklings...ugly duck syndrome I guess...she does well once she's in our lap, she actually falls asleep, but she hates to be pet, hisses and bites HARD!
They're all different, but for the most part they're friendly. Some of them are REALLY tame, I can just walk up to them and pet them. Others are a bit hard to catch, and some are almost impossible to catch in open area. But they will all eat out of my hand and none are scared of me (if they know I'm gonna catch them, they run, but if they know I have treats, they come to me; they're pretty smart at figuring it out).

Whisper is fairly easy to catch. If she runs at all, she doesn't run much. She likes being petted and having her head scratched, which is unique. Only one other girl I have likes being petted. However, I've never had a duck that liked being picked up, though some would sit on my lap.

My ducks have never hissed or bit me unless they were broody, which of course was because they were trying to keep me from stealing eggs. But Muscovies don't even lay until 6 months old. If you gently handle her and give her treats, she might eventually get used to being petted, but I don't think she will ever LIKE it.
She bites because she is afraid, most ducks especially one you just get have no idea if they are going to be eaten or what. So try not to pick her up but sit calmly close by and let her get use to you offer her treats mine love dried meal worms and shredded lettuce romaine the best.Most ducks do not like to be picked up but like HannahDuckLover said if your patient they will eat out of your hand. And if you can find another duckling her age she'll be alot happier with a buddy, ducks are flock animals and like the companionship of other ducks.I'm so glad you got her now she has a loving home.

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