How old is too old to believe

I believe. I believe in the spirit of Christmas whether it be Santa or otherwise. I enjoyed Santa as a child but also was taught that the exchange of gifts was because of the wise men. I never felt betrayed when i found out.The Virginia letter was read to me and I continue to believe even til today at 61 yo. Of course the knowledge of the truth of Santa was sweetened by the knowledge that one day I could play Santa and boy was that ever fun! Xmas has seasons just like everything else. At this point we have most of our needs and prefer to give to our favorite cause which we share by telling our mother on Xmas Day. Our greatest joy now is sharing family and giving anonymously.

I love Christmas Trees
. They're so festive
. They can truly brighten a room.
I found out when I was...7 or 8 I heard my Mom down stairs putting the presants under the tree. But during Christmas, sometimes I still believe. I believe what the others say, there's to little magic left in the world, let them believe as long as they are willing. Sometimes people need to believe in something other than the physical world, whether it be god or Santa as long as it brings joy to the person who believes. I'm 22 by the way.
Why not, right?? It's just a tree after all, so why not have seasonal decorations for it!!!

the "Easter Tree"

Thats pretty cool. Kinda reminds me of those Bottle Trees for some reason. I love bottle trees even if they are tacky

Avon used to sell a little wire tree and a bunch of egg ornaments to decorate for Easter. I think we still have some of those old avon egg ornaments around here somewhere that probably migrated to the Christmas tree lol.

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