How Old is Your Oldest Chicken?

I have two Cochin bantams that are 7 years old... everyone seems quite surprised as many people tell me they live on average for 4-5 years.
Your hen must know she is onto a good thing with you as her keeper
Seven years old!

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Her name is Blueberry, and she's got it good alright -- my wife and I stop to feed her out of our hand every day when we tend to the chickens. We have a heat panel in her henhouse for the winter, heated waterers in every henhouse, we put a big industrial fan in there for the summer, lighting on electric timers all year long, and we even trade eggs for damaged watermelon (we cut the bad parts out) during the summer, so that our kids can have watermelon during hot summer afternoons. And we're careful what birds we invite to be a part of our flock - only varieties that are easy going. Blueberry lets them know very quickly who is Alpha Hen, when new hens come into our flock.

Yup, she's got it good alright...

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