How old was your hen when she laid her 1st egg?

As a newbie, I am wondering if the first eggs are a little smaller than later eggs as the hens age more. 17 weeks seems pretty young. The timeline on indicates the best laying period begins at about 8 months (32 weeks). Just wondering if the egg size would increase between the first egg and 32 weeks.

Thanks for being patient with me. Maybe next year I will have more answers and less questions.
first eggs are always smaller. Good ting too, Im sure it hurts. just like having a baby. Welcome to BYC.
my 18 week Buff Orpington has layed 3 eggs in 4 days. They are light tan and about 2 inches tall. I think it is her, her coop mates are 2 dark cornish and a hamburg. I know Orpingtons mature early, so I assume it is her. How long before the eggs are more standard in size? Fun thread!
White rock at 20 weeks, barred rock at 19 1/2 weeks and RIR at 20 weeks..
But haven't figured out who my 4th layer is yet.
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One of my LF brahmas was 19 weeks old when she laid her first egg! A nice brown egg.

Now I have a coop full of SFs, EEs, silkies, turkens, speckled sussex and cornish Xs, all 24 weeks old and I have no idea who is laying what, except the meaties. The meaties eggs are big and have had a few double yolkers. I know the SFs are also laying, but I've had a few eggs that I can't ID. I'm getting pale, yellowish eggs, pink eggs, and light brown eggs from the meaties. The pinkish eggs belong to the SFs, the yellowish eggs.....
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