How old would you guess this Barred Rock Hen is? And IS she a barred rock?


6 Years
Aug 13, 2014
Portland, Oregon
I bought these hens June 7, about 5.5 weeks ago.
When I bought them, the fella said they were 5 months old.
But now I'm realizing they were much younger, because I'm looking on YouTube at 20 week old hens and they already have red combs and wattles. My girl barely has a pink comb. And she's supposedly 24-25 weeks old now.

Could she be a Dominique girl?

How old do you think she is, those of you who have Barred Rocks?

At the same time, I bought 3 Red Sex-links and the Blue Wyandotte mix.
Two of the reds are laying - just started this week.
He said they were all the same age.

Well fiddlesticks! lol
I was hoping she'd start laying this week since the others are laying.
She is as large as the others - just no comb developed yet like theirs.

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