How old...?

What breed are they? My best guess would be about 10-12 weeks since they haven't completely filled out yet? That of course depends on the breed. But then again.. with those sized combs... When did you get them and have you found eggs yet?
Hey Tweetysvoice,

I believe through googling pictures that i have White Leghorns however im not 100% as i am new to this !

i took them off someone on the 29th of may and have had them for nearly 8 weeks but i dont know what age they was when i got them... thats why im asking for help off you pro's :)

i think i have three females however i havent got a nest box for them atm they are just going into a rabbit hutch/chicken hutch at night.

any advice or info would be appreciated

Thanks again
okay.. another question.. hehe.. do you have any pics of when you first got them? how big were they then? I'm only asking because I don't have any leghorns, so I can't compare mine to yours. You can take a gander at my jewel chicks blog and see the progression of growth on my birds, but each bird does develop differently. Googling "leghorn 12 weeks old" i get several pictures that seem consistant to yours.
yeah i have some pic

The first photo is a female and the second one i thought was a male this is what they looked like when i got them.?

Even though my younger chicks arent feathered would they bit that little bit younger..?
but my male is definately 12-13 weeks

Finally i now have a bit of info about them
There are a number of possibilities. Most likely, they are commercial laying stock, sold through hatcheries and feed stores. There are a number of Leghorn crosses that are basically white birds with darker "smut" on the back. Too many cutsie names to list them all. These prolific hybrid layers lay a white to just off white tinted egg.

One concern, though, is that male Red Sex Links males also look remarkably similar to your photos. The pictures are a bit small, and that's OK, but just something else to be concerned about. The females or pullets of Red Sex Link (a brown egg layer and also heavily used in the commercial enterprises) are dusty red/brown, but the males are white with black/brown/copper smut in their wings and back too.

Maybe that's too much information, but just something to watch for.
Well now you say that all my chickens have got some brown markings on i believe i have 3 hens and 1 rooster until today a neighbour said it looks like 3 roosters and 1 hen
ill upload some pics of them today and you can tell me breed and sex if possible thanks again

if they are leghorn crosses then no matter hat they would have a large comb. However, since they didn't have a comb when they were 4-5 weeks leads me to believe their simply commercial stock of any breed mixes perhaps some leghorn in them but not much. I'd say you have 3 roosters but some better face pictures, tail pics, leg pics, and saddle feather pics would help

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