How picky are you with your eggs?

feather and mountain man

Corn fed Indiana farmgirl
10 Years
Jan 17, 2010
What do you do with dirty or poopy eggs? It is getting ready to rain today and sometimes if the eggs are too dirty I throw them out? We have plenty of eggs and I don't want to clean them today I am feeling sick and don't want to touch the yuck. I know its a waist.
You could keep them in a bucket or something in the fridge and just keep them there until you feel up to washing them in a fews days or whatever.
We eat or share all of our eggs...
Maybe a neighbor would want them and not mind washing them with a full disclosure.
I keep all my eggs I get. I don't wash them everyday, I will wait and do a bunch at one time. I would hate to throw away any eggs...
Unless they are really dirty, I just put 'em in the fridge and wash 'em as I use 'em. I still have one that will occasionally lay on the coop floor or in the run (well, not now, as the run is too snow covered!) and those can be pretty dirty when I pick them up. I just wipe them off a little and put them away, then wash completely before I use it.
People throw away their dirty eggs?
Wow, that's I'm sorry to say a HUGE waste. It happens. They're not prewashed, presorted store bought eggs ya know. And, eggs, before washed, already have a protective coating from bacteria anyway. There's little chance you'll get sick from a really dirty egg.

I usually wash mine off and cook it up and eat it. If the egg is one I found and I don't know how long it has been sitting out, I cook it and feed it to the dogs. NOTHING gets wasted over here.

PS - It rains a LOT here. I'm talking over 100 inches of rain a year. So we get a lot of muddy eggs
I dont even put them in the fridge. I put them in a bowl on the kitchen counter and when I get a chance I wash them. I keep cartons in the fridge marked large, medium, and small.
I figure the hens go to a lot of trouble, not to mention the strain on their health, to produce an egg so they have to be pretty bad for me to toss them. Since the bloom protects the inside, a little dirt or poop isn't going to cause a problem--wash it off, store in the refrig and use them. "Waste not/want not!"

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