How reliable a gender indicator is redness of peacomb in Easter Eggers?


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I'm saying rooster, but he/she is a magnificent looking animal.. regardless, keep that one!
Thanks for your info - is the reason that you said 'he/she' is that it still could go either way? If so, at what age would it be obvious? I assume when it crows?

Thinking ahead if it turns out you are correct - I've never had anything but hens and was wondering how vocal a rooster would be? I live in an urban environment and would like to disturb my neighbors the least possible. Just wondering..... We had a neighbor somewhere in the neighborhood and it cockadoodle dooed most of the day.

Part of me would like a rooster to watch over the pullets (which hopefully the others are), but at the same time I don't want to be a pain in the 'ears' for the neighborhood.

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