How reliable a gender indicator is redness of peacomb in Easter Eggers?

I'm gonna go along with the crowd and say catch him after dark. If you absolutely need to do it during the day, a long handled net is your best bet. :)
Well tonight's the night I'm going to do it, everyone wish me well :) :).

Again I feel it's probably better do it sooner than later, since they're still relatively Young and they shouldn't be heavily imprinted on their other location yet.
Well tonight's the night I'm going to do it, everyone wish me well :) :).

Again I feel it's probably better do it sooner than later, since they're still relatively Young and they shouldn't be heavily imprinted on their other location yet.
It was very easy you all were right they barely protested are made much of a noise at all I just took both of them into my large pet carrier zipped it up and put them inside the coop in the other side of the garden behind the privacy fence. We'll see how it all works out tomorrow. Right now they're snoozing on the roosts. I have a light controlled red NightLight in there just so that they have a minimal amount of light so they can sort of see their surroundings without having a light that will keep them up goes off automatically in the daytime. Anyway I thought it'd be helpful pic. Thank you and everyone else for your suggestions hopefully this experiment works well.
Let us know how it goes. :)
Will do. I'm guessing they're really going to like the large amount of area they have. I'm also hoping since they haven't been very long in the other spot that since they're relatively young and haven't spend much time there they won't be heavily imprinted on that specific area. it wouldn't matter though they couldn't get back into it anyway because the area around the hens is heavily screened after I had that hawk attack one of my older hens a few months back :-(

Lots of things to look at ahead. I'm already running through ideas on how I might minimize morning crowing when they get old enough to do that.

One idea I have been playing with actually couple of ideas - set the automatic door so it opens a little bit later maybe around 730 instead of opening it had to daybreak. the particular coupe I bought has ventilation but it doesn't have anything in terms of windows oh, so I'm figuring effectively I Can manage their exposure to morning daylight, in terms when they'll be exposed to it when the door is opened the automatic door.. I'm also playing with the idea of installing some acoustic tiles inside their coop something along the lines of those foam acoustic tiles that look kind of like egg crate designs.

So I'm trying to give them the best chance they can have and I'm hoping that things work out with neighbors and I'm able to manage their crowing effectively so that I'm on good terms with my neighbors. I hadn't really bargained for having roosters which is the reason I got the supposed 90% sex run of americana's - but things work out as they did so I'm trying to see if I can make it possible to keep the Little critters since I really do like them and I'd hate to have to have them rehomed. they are the first roosters I've ever had her at least this point their cockerels I guess, but they certainly have unique little personalities they're a little more willing to approach me than the pullets.

by the way everybody I really can spell 😁😁 but I type slowly on my phone so I'm using text by voice and sometimes it just doesn't get things correct. For instance or and are as an example :)

Wish the critters luck in their new adventure and my new adventure with them,,, I hope it all goes well😊
Limiting morning light does help.... but they're likely to still crow a bit. My guys will crow a few times around 3:00 - 4:30'ish every morning, even though it's completely dark. But then they quieten down until sunrise. And cockerels crow much more often than adult roosters. It's like once they realize they can make that noise they go all out!! But it does taper off for most boys as they mature. :)
I'm also playing with the idea of installing some acoustic tiles inside their coop something along the lines of those foam acoustic tiles that look kind of like egg crate designs.
Careful with those if the birds can get to them. Not exactly the same but I put insulation foam board on the underside of the external nest box and the girls started pecking it immediately. Had to cover it with plywood.

by the way everybody I really can spell 😁😁 but I type slowly on my phone so I'm using text by voice and sometimes it just doesn't get things correct. For instance or and are as an example :)
I'd say it is doing pretty well (and perhaps is trying to train YOU to enunciate more clearly ;) ). The times I've used my phone I don't post often or much. Just can't stand typing on the small screen with my one finger. Miss the letter I want as often as I hit it. My phone makes suggestions as I type and that helps since it often gets to the right word before I finish all the letters. Forget going back to edit, I can't manage to get the cursor where I want it without a lot of tries.
My EEs comb started out as a Peacomb
but it turned into this

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