How should I make the best of my LG bator?

I hear paper is better, Cuz it "breaths" haha

I also dont have a turner

It makes it easier, but it doesn't make that much of a difference, imo. I did not have a turner in my LG at first either. I bought one about 1&1/2-2 weeks after I set my eggs. I still had 12 of 13 eggs hatch.
I don't bother with taking the turner out, I just unplug it when I see the eggs standing straight up. That way I don't have to re-adjust or anything due to the eggs being higher or lower. I only use enough of the egg holders to cover what I'm hatching. Occasionally a chick gets hung in one but, they find their way out later.

Yeah if the room is stable it stays exactly at 100.9f and humdity from 35%-50%. (basement) with no water added. If it goes above 50% I remove one plug.


My first hatch 3 out of 4 hatched. One was not fertile. (no turner)
My 2nd hatch 12 of 14 hatched (Two infertile). (hated turning so many eggs and purchased turner + I felt it was left open too long while turning by hand)
My third hatch I loaded it up with 30 and had 28 hatch with two infertile.
I changed my 18th day to 17th because I always get one that pips the 19th day (always a roo).

Nyis since you don't have a turner you could create sort of a manual one with the egg carton maybe stapled to a board with strings tied to the four corners and kinda tilt through the plug holes or out the sides.
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i used some sytrofoam sheets i got from the local DIY store and made an extension of the sides to raise the top up by 4 inches. i then had enough room to add a PC fan inside mounted on the inside, and it really helped with the humidity and hatches. also with the higher sides, it makes a roomier if you use the turner and as a brooder after hatching is done. i also ran a plasitc hose i had from my old aquairum into the bator bottom so i could add water as needed.

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