How Spoiled are your chickens???

This morning I fed my chickens scraps, they had:
A whole loaf a bread.
Cabbage, wich they didn't eat.
Egg shell, wich they didn't eat either.
After they had finished their breakfast, I tryed to feed them some more bread, but they just stared at me like: " How dare you offer us more food, after we are already full!!"

My chickens are pretty spoiled!!!
my girls get about 7 slices of bread, two handfuls of ground meat, a whole bushel of fresh collards and 2 cups of organic scratch every morning and sometimes also in the afternoons...not to mention fresh warm water twice a day AND about two-three hours of free-ranging a day...

and don't get me started on my two babies in the garage!
Bam Bam has her own nest, in our house, in an old cupboard!! If she is outside and lays a nest we wont see her for days at a time, she sleeps in the trees. Soooo, we compromised and allowed her to nest *inside*.

My old chicken, when doing PT, wouldnt react to mealworms, nopeeee, pb&j sandwhiches.

Edit: Apparently I cant spell nest.
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My SPOILED chickens breakfast this morning, from my chicken to go box:
Maine lobster shells w/ some meat left on
3/4 of a clam chowder bowl
Onion rings






My chickens are so spoiled, when I turn something over and find a mess of earthworms, they simply peer at the wrigglers with that turn of the head (seeing from this eye, then that one) and walk away.

EARTHWORMS, you lazy wenches!! Earthworms!! You'll scarf down hand-picked grass, BOSS, shredded mozzarella cheese right out of my hands, but you won't eat earthworms????

I hang a head of cabbage on a cord for y'all to play TetherCabbage, but you won't eat earthworms?? What the heck are you scratching in the dirt for??? Exercise???

I love 'em anyway. They're so adorable. But this not eating worms thing is bugging me.

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