how sweet my hubby is with pics


12 Years
Feb 7, 2007
today lol hubby barrowed my brothers lil tractor to split wood well .. i been asking for few months now if we add on to my coop hows it going to get leavel ? brother said not to worrie .. well hubby i gusse thinks he has a new toy he was on it for 4 hours today some of the trees in the pics are gone now makeing way for the new add on coop .. but men and thier toys ... and sorry have to laugh at the lil tractor but it did do what i wanted .. and he said it has a backhoe to go on it .. i bet were going to use this alot more .. oh no wood was spilt unless me or kids done it ...
I have backhoe- tractor envy. I spent over an hour tring to move a 10ftx 4 ftx 8 ft pile of dirt left over from construction and in the way of my chicken's electric fence. Needless to say, I didn't get it all moved, but my back hurts.
Oh god you guys want a guy with an backhoe, you can have my dad. He's 75 and had destroyed my fence, so my cows get out, wreaked my yard so it is mud, like 1 foot deep mud. My ducks love it but the poor chickens look like they've been dragged through it all day. My dad thinks he is "improving" the yard, and you can't tell him anything different.
We have a tractor with the blade attachment & a skidloader with the backhoe attachment too. My husband lives on them during the weekend. But he keeps the horse pens clean, drive way smooth & the garden looking good. I think he like them as much as his Harleys!
Dont give him too much credit now
....... I am sure he was thinking of ways to get to keep playing on the tractor
Oh geez............boys and their toys!!! We bought a tractor a few months ago. We get big flash floods every year during monsoon season and have to do major dirtwork. However, he finds all kinds of excuses to hop on that thing. He moves firewood, engines and even moved our coop out from inside the shop with it! It was actually a really good investment. Now we have another reason for my city friends to make fun of us!

I have a tractor and can't imagine life with out it!!! It's also a little one but it moves dirt, manure, snow, rocks,and wood. I also mow the pasture and field and use the post hole digger with it. Worth every payment I have made on it.
Oh, most important this time of year, in hauls the water for my horse trough!!
Well Dodgegal, I'll take your dad, as long as he comes with a tractor, and all of those other tractors out there as well.

It is not so much buying a tractor that is the problem, it's a place to store it. We have less than an acre and our garage is jammed full of stuff, so full we can't of course get the cars in, so I'll just keep shoveling away at this ginourmous pile of dirt, shovelful, by shovelful. Maybe I'll get rid of it by 2010.

really my life is not so bad, I got a really good shovel for Christmas. . .

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