How the heck are you supposed to wait....Day 23 AND WE HAVE A BABY!

I was like that with my first couple of hatches. Now, it's "Well, I better go see if we are still in the chicken business" And when I open the bator...chicks are everywhere!!!!
Then I have to move them if they are fluffed out, and get the eggshells out, so there is room for the rest of them to finish hatching and fluffing.
I have GQF cabinet bators with no windows. I don't do a lock down. I open it once it once a day to refill water containers. If there are no temp fluctuations, my eggs start hatching on day 19 and continue until day 21. The bottom tray always hatches first.

We hatch about 3000 chicks a year, so it isn't a waiting game anymore. That 21 days is a rest period for me now!!!

Oh my, they are not going to come out for me tonight, I should just get to bed! And wake up 4 times checking on them. And have even MORE dreams of chicks. The humidity is steady at 80%, should I try to up it? They are at 100 degrees. I've been tap tapping on the glass top to try to sound like a chicken. Come on, they;re babies, I can fool em!!!

Oh my!!!! 3000 :O What do you raise them/hatch them for?

It's old hat to you and I'm writhing in anticipation!
So far I have found that most of them seem to hatch right before dawn. No surprise...the early birds get the worms, right?
I am doing the same thing! Hatch day 1/28 - I even moved my leather chair in front of my bator - and put a heater next to me - i swear Im going crossed eyed looking at eggs! I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!! WHERE ARE ALL THE CHICKIES!!!??????
I'm glad I'm not alone!!!!!!!!! It is comforting to know this lol.

The bator is directly next to the couch so I am constantly jumping up to see if theres any action. NONE. AT ALL.

I am going to be up out of bed frequently tonight, I can tell.
Really? Interesting!! I just hope it's SOMETIME in the morning tomorrow, I'm not sure how much more I can take!!
There's a few of us on tonight waiting for chicks!!! Any other first timers?

What time is it in your end of the woods?

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