How the heck did those get in my britches???


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Today I had the pleasure of free-ranging with my chooks. It's just as good exercise and a mental boost for me as it is for them. We wander everywhere and when Lil'Bit starts lagging behind I let her hitch a ride on me.
After the chickens went to bed for the night I busied myself with cleaning in the house. That's when I noticed the sensation of something crawling around in my jeans. Now I'm not a bit squeamish, but I think most people can relate to not liking the feeling of something crawling on you.
I came out of my jeans really quick right there in the kitchen and saw three little feathers float thru the air.
I guess my SO's prediction about me turning into a chicken are finally coming true!
Now that's the ultimate chicken lover... growing feathers to make her babies feel more comfortable! You go girl!


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