How to add insulation to existing metal roof?


13 Years
May 6, 2011
Is there any way to add insulation to a metal roof that's already installed? If so, what kind?
Yes but the kind really depends on your set-up. I have found that things like the blue R-board (which comes in different thicknesses) is easy to work with and can be custom sized. Having said that, I recently added "insulation" to my small coop and ended up using bubble wrap covered by cardboard - not truly ideal but the roosts in my coop are close to the roof and I wanted to use something the chickens wouldn't be interested in and/or wouldn't be harmed by if they pecked at it - so far, the cardboard is uninteresting and it has definitely helped with condensation issues and the coop is a little warmer.
Would need to know the "structure" under that metal to make a good recommendation.

In other words, what do you have room for? If the rafters are in the open you could add blue foam on the bottoms to get the R value up and still have some air movement above it, a pic showing your inside roof would be good.
Thanks. I'll get a few pictures when my little one takes a nap in a few hours. I know the rafters are open, I figure I can cut the blue board and slip it between the rafters.
I used some stuff from Lowe's called Reflextic or something like that. I tried to post pictures but this new forum would not let me for some reason.

I used a staple gun to install it.

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