How to catch a skittish rooster

That looks like scale mite and you can treat it with vegatable oil and all you have to do is brush it on and while you are at it I would treat the whole flock witht he oil . The mites dont bother the chickens but eventualyy will cripple them as the mites eat on the scales of the legs and cause them to lift and get hard. I got some that had them and treated them with veg. oil...all gone and not much work either. yep your best bet is to try to catch him at nite. Good Luck
Well, I don't know exactly how to catch a skittish rooster, but I do know how to catch a unique one.

You 'neak up on it...

OK, OK - bad pun, I know it, but it's late and I couldn't help myself!

Ok..not sure but I think that last post was meant to go somewhere else? I will try catching freebie up over the next several days. He is a tricky one.

Just to put everyones mind at ease. Freebie does not live with the other chickens. The turkeys he live with seem to be unaffected by this trouble he is having.

I really wish drunken neighbor guy would just take him back. Well no nevermind ...poor Freebie he is much happier here with us.

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