How to choose eggs for incubating


6 Years
Aug 4, 2015
Courtenay BC
I'm sure this is on here but I am not using the correct search words to find it there a method used to select fertile vs infertile eggs? I know some of the hens are not being bred but don't know who's eggs are who's soooo is it just a crapshoot and I have to waste edible Infertile eggs in bator to find out?
Unfortunately you can't tell whether an egg is fertile or not unless you crack it and look for the bulls-eye or put it in the incubator to see what happens :(
How long have your birds been laying? If they've just started, which I'm guessing, you may want to wait until they are a bit bigger. Give them about a month to get some size on them before trying to hatch. Are you checking for fertility when you crack them into your frying pan?

This is fertile egg.

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