How to clean Dust in Coop


6 Years
Aug 23, 2017
How do you clean the dust out of your coop? Or better yet..keep it out of the coop?.
I had ducks and they never had soo much dust.
Thanks for the advice
It's a chicken coop so I don't worry about it. :D

Chickens are very dusty creatures, shedding a great deal of dander and feather dust. I've never had ducks so I don't know how to compare them.

Generous ventilation helps by letting the airflow carry the dust away. But when I clean out I always wear a mask to protect my lungs.
I no longer keep their sandbox in the coop area. That cut down on lot of dust/silica they'd stir up in the garage. But they still stir up the flake in their bedding so the whole garage is ready for a mid-season clean out. I'll probably hit it with the leaf blower, then shop vac, and then hose the whole thing down, let dry and lay fresh straw.

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