how to convince someone your eggs are OK?

Go to Mother Earth News website and print out the article, "More Great News About Free-range Eggs." Give a copy to first time buyers.

If you can't find it send me a PM and I will forward it to you.
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That's how my grandma got her grocery money when she was a newly wed. Her mother in law gave her hens as a wedding present. She sold the eggs to make ends meet.
I'm guessing from your name and the description you gave - they must be Silkie eggs... we have Silkies, too & thoroughly enjoy the eggs our little hens have been laying. However, some people have actually said to us, "You don't eat those eggs, do you?" We always reply, "Of course we do, and they are delicious!" Some people must not consider Silkies to be "real" chickens!!! LOL!!! Jokes on them!
Is it possible that your dad maybe is stuck on the fact that they're banty eggs? They may very well seem like they're not "real" eggs to him, if he was raised around standard chickens. If that's the case, he's probably not scared of them so much as just not interested in them.

Still not a good excuse, but I've got to wonder if that's not it.
Good point! Sometimes people are only comfortable with things that are familiar. In this case, it really is too bad, though - they really don't know what they are missing!
One way to "sell" banty eggs is to let people know that these are "specially bred" eggs. You see normal eggs have too high of a white to yolk ratio.

In Banty eggs you get much more yolk than white. It's an eggstra special treat! An egg that is all yolkie. So if you like a high protein egg full of yolk, you can't beat a banty egg.

Crack open a Banty egg and a standard egg right in front of them and show them that the banty yolk is nearly the same size as the medium chicken egg. They will also see that the eggs look exactly the same inside. You'll have a lot of converts!

Except every child I've known and still some adults only want to eat the white.
We always fed the yolks to the cats as kids. We made mom hard boil I dunno how many eggs just so we could fill up on the whites and the cats didn't need any cat food that day. Having eggs with extra yolk and no white doesn't really appeal to too many people that I know of.

My mom and stepdad's family won't touch my eggs. My step grandmother throws eggs out if they sit on the counter for 5mins instead of in the fridge. I just don't bother with them. There's no point arguing it. I can give or sell my eggs to plenty of other people. Sometimes I haul them all to my martial arts class and just walking around with a clear plastic carton of blue/green eggs asking who wants odd colored eggs. I rarely come home with any.
When it coms to wggs, most people are cracked.

I was rasied on a farm as a kid and had learned that there were different colors of eggs. One day, I am in a "health" food store and notice the brown eggs have a price of nearly $5 (198X dollars!), a price 5X the current white egg price. I asked the clerck if there was a difference, and he casually said, " No difference. People want to spend more on eggs that they think are special". We both had a good laugh.

The reciprocal is that is also true. I have seen women that won't breast feed because the "scientifically" generated MODERN formulas are obviously better for you, and breast feeding is only for "poor" people. Interestingly enough, these people tend to be on the lower socioeconomic scale than me, and I am poor.

Give the eggs to the Salvation army. In my opinion, they are the best receivers. They appreciate ANYTHING that you give them, you can write it off on your taxes, and you KNOW that they won't be wasted. They are always grateful
I felt funny eating them at first when the eggs started rolling in.Once we started using them there was no problem.Same with those who got the eggs.Maybe cook something with the eggs to offer to the nay sayers,so they can taste how good(and normal) it is to use fresh eggs. A video of where/how many store eggs come from would turn some to fresh eggs.

Last year before I got chickens I bought some farm fresh eggs from someone .All went well till I opened up a rotten one.Turned me off from eggs from others.Sounds like you won't have an issue with giving out rotten eggs! Shoot, I don't even wash all my eggs every time.

Keep offering.Don't forget food banks or churches might take them too for their needy families.
I have had SEVERAL people turn down fresh eggs

I had just gathered exactly 1dz eggs, and a friend of ours stopped by. I offered him the carton and he squished up his face and said "No thanks.....I'll stick with the ones from the store". Whatever

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