how to get chicken warm?

Feb 16, 2019
I have an Ameraucana chicken that is laying on eggs even though i do not have any roosters, i havent been able to find her cause she has been hiding, today i went outside and looked everywhere and found her in the bushes laying on about a dozen eggs, it snowed where i am from last night and she is really wet and shivering! any suggestions on how to get her warm? she is eating and drinking water now. she seems really nervous and keeps looking back to where i took her from, and making a really different noise that i haven't heard before is this normal? Thanks everyone.
The weird clucking sound is that of a broody hen.
Since the eggs aren't fertile, you need to break her broodiness.
The tried and true method is an elevated wire bottom cage. After 2 days or so of cool air getting to their bottom the hormone cycle will be broken.
For now get her inside and dry. Use a towel or blow dryer.
Then set up a cage in the coop with a bit of food and water but if you let her plunk her belly down on a solid floor/ground, she will keep it warm and that won't break the broodiness.
im still learning all about my chickens, I have had my red now for 2 year and we love her so much she is so sweet, my Ameraucanas I have had for 9 months, and they are also sweet! getting the hang of everything now, what they like what they don't, it is super fun. I hope to one day be able to do the whole process from egg all the way up. :D

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