how to get chicks to roost?

I just got 4 ladies yesterday and couldn't get them into the coop the first night. Tonight, I rounded them up and put them in myself. I have been fretting about it since I did it. I went out there a little later and 2 were in a nesting box and the other 2 were in corners. I was worried about them not using the roost until I read this thread. Thanks for the advice and I'll just play it by ear as to when they decide to roost.
I just wonder why ya'll are worried about whether or not these young ones roost??? They will do it eventually, and sleeping in a pile on the floor is probably pretty cosy for babies. You have to remember that they are still babies, and they will grow up in time. No need to fret about where they sleep as long as they are in a safe place. Mine are sometimes roosting, sometimes chicken-piling still, and they are from 16 to 12 weeks old, as well as a younger separate flock of 8 week old bantams. I don't mind where they snooze, and they know to put themselves in the run when it gets close to dark... they WILL learn this on their own as long as they know where "home" and "bed" is. Zen... calm and let them be babies for a while...they grow up way too fast anyway

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