How to get them into one coop


11 Years
Jul 10, 2010
southern AL
The little chicks were in the brooder on the patio until ~2 weeks ago. By little I mean 12 weeks old. They have been running the yard with the ducks and big chicks (~17 weeks) for quite some time, just put into the brooder on the patio at night.

So they spend time with them and with free ranging do ok, but the barred rock pesters them. The other 2 big chicks are buff orpingtons.
The 2 little chicks are polish - 1 rooster and 1 still not sure yet.

Big girls had the old duck house (dog house kit from lowe's). Little chicks were moved into the chicken coop (6' x 3'). They stayed there for a week and then we moved the nicest BO into the coop with them at night. All seems fine with them.
How do we get the other 2 big chicks into the coop?
1 at a time and let the BR sleep on her own in the big girl house for a few nights, or put each in there for a night or two at a time or something else?
Did you get all your birds settled into one coop yet? This can be tricky. I hope all went well.
I would venture that they all will settle into one coop in the fullness of time. That's what happened here with mixing two flocks.


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