how to give tylan injectable without injecting


5 Years
Jun 5, 2019

I don't want to take the chance of hurting my chickens by injecting tylan. I suspect Infectious Coryza is spreading, and very quickly. However, they have been on it for 5 days (rooster for 7) and nothing has changed. I did the apple sauce route, and then changed over to soaking their dose in a small piece of bread. Do you think that has somehow messed with the efficiency? I really don't want to traumatizer them by putting it down their throat, so I would like some ideas if there is another way.
I do it down the throat all the time for sick chickens. If they are gasping for air or really sick it makes it easier. I have 1ml needles, I wrap hen in towel I try not to tilt head back at all but cram it in front of beak as she is gasping . Usually they will swallow as a reflex. I was thinking of injecting, but I've heard that can cause necrosis so I never tried. On my last recently sick hen, she was on tylan 50 for 10 days but last three days I upped it half a 1 ml needle three times a day. I thought that would be too much but she got better. She didn't seem to mind the taste a lot but I would give her a bit of water or yougart after.
How do you know that it’s Infectious Coryza? Do they have a foul fishy like smell coming from their face, eyes or nares? Infectious Coryza has a nasty smell. If there isn’t a smell, then it’s most likely Mycoplasma Gallisepticum (MG) or also known as Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD).
It is either Coryza or MG. I have a rooster that sounds like he has fluid in his lungs (he is gurgling) and heard it slightly from a hen, and now another hen has one weird eye that is squinty, red, and irritated.

I haven't actually went to her face to smell her, but I was close enough when applying ointment around her eye to not notice a smell. I will do that later.
I do it down the throat all the time for sick chickens. If they are gasping for air or really sick it makes it easier. I have 1ml needles, I wrap hen in towel I try not to tilt head back at all but cram it in front of beak as she is gasping . Usually they will swallow as a reflex. I was thinking of injecting, but I've heard that can cause necrosis so I never tried. On my last recently sick hen, she was on tylan 50 for 10 days but last three days I upped it half a 1 ml needle three times a day. I thought that would be too much but she got better. She didn't seem to mind the taste a lot but I would give her a bit of water or yougart after.
Thank you. I might have to suck it up and do that.
I do it down the throat all the time for sick chickens. If they are gasping for air or really sick it makes it easier. I have 1ml needles, I wrap hen in towel I try not to tilt head back at all but cram it in front of beak as she is gasping . Usually they will swallow as a reflex. I was thinking of injecting, but I've heard that can cause necrosis so I never tried. On my last recently sick hen, she was on tylan 50 for 10 days but last three days I upped it half a 1 ml needle three times a day. I thought that would be too much but she got better. She didn't seem to mind the taste a lot but I would give her a bit of water or yougart after.
What dosage do you do?

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