How to gut a guinea (or any bird, really)

I'm glad this video has been so helpful. I've had plenty of views on youtube, so I know it's reaching lots of folks.
Great video. I would like to sustain a flock of guineas for eating but I never see a thread about the topic in the guinea section. I was actually kind of afraid to bring it up. I guess the guinea section is pretty slow traffic. Either way a big thank you, I downloaded this video just in case anything ever happened to it. Once I get my flock going I will probably fire up the ole incubator and start a meat flock(I have no wife/girlfriend or family to feed, don't care if the birds are small with less meat than store chickens, no biggie
). Just seems like it would be so much more delicious, even if it IS a little more spendy than fat commercial chickens.

edit: oops sorry, not trying to bump an old sticky.
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They are tasty, once you can get past that look they give you when you have them caught and are about to process them, lol
Cheers :)

And Peeps isn't wrong.

I still have a few in freezer camp that I need to eat soon. They have such nice meat, so unlike chicken.
I figured I'd do a video on how to gut a guinea. There are plenty of videos out there for poultry, but I have my own way and I wanted to show some of the details that I didn't see in other videos or in the books. Right now there's a medium quality video up. I'm working on getting a higher quality one up so you can see those little details I point out better, but my internet connection won't cooperate.

The whole thing is about 11.5 minutes. It covers removing the crop and trachea, what the thymus is, my preferred way to cut around the cloaca, and how I fish out all the organs, including kidneys and lungs. I add my thoughts as I go, and end by showing how to cut the hocks without dulling your knife (which is good, because my knife was fairly dull by that point!)

And yes, that should be ovary, not ovaries
Genitals are located right by the spine and just 'above' (cranial, or closer to the head) the kidneys. Testicles look like a little banana shaped (and colored) bean (in case you have a bird you aren't totally sure of gender based on wattle size)

Oh, also! Fry up liver after soaking it in ice water and rinsing well, within a few hours of slaughter. As I learned online: The sun should never set on an uncooked liver. I like to marinade in a little yogurt (or milk). I fry up some red peppers on butter (use more pepper than liver), then turn up to medium-high and add the liver. Don't overcook- leave it a little pink inside, or it gets tough. Liver is gram for gram the most nutritional part of your bird by far. If you've never had it cooked fresh, give it a try. Or make a little pate.

Any questions?

Do you ever eat the hearts?

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