How to hatch muscovy eggs? Temps and humidity?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 24, 2010
Ok so I'm going to hatch some Muscovy eggs soon but I don't exactly know what the temp and the humidity need to be for them? I'm trying to make a chart so that I can keep track of everything when I start incubating.
Ok so what's the dry method? no humidity?

Also: What day do I stop turning and do I candle every seven days?
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Ok thank you
I've heard its hard to hatch them, so I'm a bit nervous. But I will try
To be honest...that is when its hardest to hatch...Now, I set the eggs....candle if I remember to....and on lockdown raise the humidity....(when I remember) Just don't over do it....if you have any more questions...please don't hesitate to ask!
Ok so let me get this right:

Day 0: eggs arrive in the mail; let them set for 24hrs

Day 1-32: Temp=99-101 F ; Humidity=60-65%; turn 5x a day

Day 33-35: Temp=99-101 F ; Humidity=75% ; stop turning

So did I miss anything or is that gonna work?
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