How to help my stubborn drake heal

It did already pop back out. I pushed it back in and kept my finger in the opening a little longer...

Never thought I'd see the day where I was playing whack-a-mole with a penis.
:yuckyuck That was funny. To bad there isn't something you could put over opening to keep it in but then he wouldn't be able to poop. Or if brave enough put in a stitch.
I was thinking of possibly applying from Prep H, or maybe some other anti-inflammatory (need to buy some first) to the swollen part should it pop out again. I wasn't aware you were able to 'stitch' for a male duck since it's supposed to come in/out, or maybe it's a fancy stitch.

It's getting hard to catch him since he's capable of running now.
It's still in! His 'vent' was a little swollen when I checked earlier, so I gently pressed around it heard a slight 'gurgle' as well as a bit of air come out, like there was gas trapped. It doesn't feel nearly as swollen now. Hopefully it settles down and stays there for the winter.

Put the ducks in early. I had a bad feeling about leaving them out until normal time.
Predators will be coming out earlier now that daylight saving is ending and we all get dark earlier. Good for you listening to your gut feeling. And that’s awesome it is in sure hope it stays there. Good thing only air came out when you pushed on him lol.
Oh yeah I keep his rear end facing 'away' from me at all times. Don't want any nasty Hershey squirts in my direction!

There is a big wind/rainstorm today. Found a large branch lying where the ducks have been hanging out. Not sure if they would've been there when it fell but glad they were inside instead.
Good news, it's still in as of this morning. I felt around and his cloaca (the word I was trying to think of instead of vent...) isn't swollen anymore. He's up having a good time in the pool.

Should I be concerned that I have not seen him even attempt to mate with the ducks in over 2 months?
Opie's been doing good. No sign of the prolapse recurring. He's walking around in his own way. I've been adding complex to the water every other day.

I move to my apartment tomorrow and start my new job Monday. My dad mentioned hooking up a camera somewhere where I can watch the birds from it (and maybe yell at them if they're out and it's getting dark). I'll probably be coming home Friday night (next week) for the weekend because I have to do car stuff so I'll be able to check on them then. And then Thanksgiving is the week after and I'll be home for Thanksgiving (I don't think I'll get Friday off simply because I just started).

Have to get through the first 5 months alone and hopefully I'll be able to get a pet friendly apartment after this contract is over and can at least bring my cat. I want to buy some house ducks now!
Great to hear Opie is over the prolapse. Hope everything goes well for you new job and your family taking care of the ducks. Keep us updated when you can.

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