How To Humanely Euthanize A Chicken..

Oh, I just hate when this has to be done. I've been through this a few times, and always cry for them.
I can't do it either. The only time we put them down is when they are hopeless. My hubby wraps them in an old towel or sack, digs a hole in the ground, and shoots it, once, and it's over real quick. He feels at least it's less personal that way, rather than breaking it's neck, or hurting it some way. Again, this is only when they are just too weak. I'm sorry, I hate it ALL ways, but that's all I know for now.
From reading all the suggestions, I think I prefer Emzy's method. I believe that it is the most sure-fire method even if you make a mistake. Basically the only mistake is that you didn't add enough solution, you can just add more, no harm done to the bird.

If you are trying to break the neck, you need to know exactly how to do it. What happens if you try and your not strong enough? Then you've just injured the bird even more.

The SSP method (stick, step, pull) is definitely not for the easy hearted. I've butchered many chickens this way. Your going to get blood all over, including on yourself. I've gotten blood in my eyes from doing this, not pleasant. The other thing about SSP is that they are going to flap a LOT, and it can take several minutes for the flapping to stop, which is definitely not easy on the eyes. even if you don't look, your going to hear it, and sometimes, depends on where the head pops off at, they're voice box might act up.

Using a sharp knife or axe would be the another method that would would, and is possibly less grousem that the above.
Same thing as baking soda and peroxide but w/o wasting gas and FREEZING her is a terrible idea. I definatly would not like to be froze if I was a chicken! Its inhumane as leaving a dog outside in a snow storm!

I agree with that one. A vet told me one time to put my dying rat in a freezer & itll be quick. I dont agree at all.. it seems painful & very inhumane.

You sound as sensitive as I am..I know one day I will face this and after reading some of these posts, I am so very upset because I am sure I couldn't do most of these things to my dear feathered friends. However, I might be able to hold one of my friends and end life if he/she was suffering. It's the merciful thing to do, as letting an animal suffer constantly is really more cruel than ending its life. It's hard, for sure, but once the friend is no longer suffering, you will begin to heal and you won't worry any more, because you'll know your friend is not hurting. Having said that, I will call my son if such a situation arises, and I'm sure he'll be able to accommodate me. So sorry you are going through this.

I've gotta go hug my girls.
You really don't have to be strong to be effective. A good firm yank should do it, or even just hold the head, stretch the neck out, and snap up on the head.
The SSP method (stick, step, pull) is definitely not for the easy hearted. I've butchered many chickens this way. Your going to get blood all over, including on yourself.... they are going to flap a LOT, and it can take several minutes for the flapping to stop...

Okay, if you're making them bleed & their heads come off you're pulling too hard here! Again, you just need to give them a good firm yank, to feel those neck bones crunch, for the head to hang limp.

Yes, they'll flap a lot, so with bird friends I'm culling I would cover them with a feed sack & walk away. This is why I am now preferring the first method. Since I'm pulling on the head I know it's more effective than pulling on the legs to break the neck. And I know I won't pull so hard that I'll make them bleed. And I can just continue to hold them during the flapping (which didn't really take that long) instead of laying them down to thrash around.​
The freezing method doesn't sound too good to me; the recommended freezer temperature is about zero degrees Fahrenheit, and many freezers are higher that that, including my own old freezer. Zero Degrees is not that cold and an adult chicken is capable of surviving at this temperature for a considerable amount of time, and could likely appear dead when, in fact, it is not to then be buried alive. I would not recommend this method.

I would recommend Emzyyy's method.
I once had a baby chick that I put down this way. I took a zip-lock bag and put baking soda in the bottom with a cup of vinegar in with it (the vinegar should be in the cup) the you attach a hose or tube on to that going into your chamber. you slowly pour out the vinegar over the course of 5 minutes or so. carbon dioxide at low doses acts as an anesthetic and high doses is lethal. if you put too much at once it can be slightly painful, I read. you want it to be completely 'out' before you put a lethal amount in. then you leave the container closed for a few minutes, longer being better than shorter, to be sure.

Like many others have said prior, it is your chicken and ultimately your decision.
My BO pullet is ill. She is a free-ranger and day before yesterday I noticed she kept crouched down in a roosting position with her eyes shut. She also is making a sound like she is moaning. Her droppings are the normal size, shape, texture, but they are bright, grassy green. She is still able to fly up on top of the coop (about 5.5' off the ground, and I see her preening a little bit, but her appetite is off. Can anyone tell me what might be wrong with her? The EE rooster romanced her while she was ill, so I have isolated him so he can't get to her...I did that as soon as I noticed she was feeling poorly.
Please help me, someone. I do have antibiotics for chickens and I have vitamins and electrolytes, which I have been adding in very small amounts to her water. I have not given her antibiotics as of yet. She has access to food, water, grit.
I'm so sorry for her, but you should begin a separate topic about her on this section of the forum. She might not yet belong in a humane euthanization thread!
i had a very sick chicken not responding to meds etc . I could no longer see her unhappy so i gave her the axe this morn ......
it was instant and seemed humane she did not even reflex . Sorry for your loss, hope you find peace in your decision

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