How to I make my chicks more friendly?

The chicks are more friendly now, most of them run to me when I approach from the door and they walk around nearby me
but I am nowhere near the stage of petting them. The hen (strangely the lowest of the pecking order) still keeps a big distance from me...
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The chicks (not the stupid hen) are getting really friendly now but when I reach over and try to pet them, they run away immediately...
You need to find a favourite treat that they can only get from your hand. Ours is meat & mealworms.
When you try and pat them do you reach for their backs? For a chicken predators come from above so it could be spooking them. You may have more success coming from below to stroke their breast/side of neck at first.

Mine only get treats if they let me pet them, I have a short strip of meat and won't let go till I make contact with them. In their heads my touch = I get the special treat!
Once they are comfortable with touching, move onto them only get the special treat when your holding them or have them on your lap.

I tamed my girls this way and they fight for position on my lap!!!!

To calm the hen, you can try this technique that is used with wild birds.
Stand as close to her as possible, be still and wait until she stops fretting/trying to get away. Then move away from her! Even if she just pauses to look at you counts as calm at first!
Think, she wants you to go away. So if you go away when she is calm, you are praising her with what she wants. Eventually this reinforcement of calm behaviour will improve to the point where she won't fret when you come near, then you can start offering/taming her with the special treat method.

Good luck and I hope this helps!
Every night when my girls are all in the coop, they all calm down and settle into their spots; they won't be skittish. I always go in and touch each one ... partly to do a head count making sure I have all of them inside, and partly to take the time to make them comfortable with being touched. Sometimes I pet their backs or crops, but they all seem to like being petted just under the chin. I just rub back and forth under the wattles with one finger. Even the roo seems to relax when I do this.

I want them to be used to me touching them at bedtime, in case I need to touch them if they are sick or for whatever other reason. They have become quite used to it now.
all I can really do is grab them at night and pet them but they are scared when I do so...
It takes time. The mealworm idea spoken of works very well. I really don't try to make them friendly, when they realize I'm the source of everything they like, they get real friendly.
I have a flock of penedesencas that I doubt will ever calm down. They have been wild and fast from day 1. At a couple days of age they could run like the wind.
Mine get petted while getting treats. They don't particularly like it yet, but those that jump away from being petted don't get any treats, while those that stand still for it do. Eventually they all will figure out that if they want treats they have to tolerate getting touched.
I sit in the run with a handful of food and let them eat out of my hand. Do this a couple of times a day, let them get used to it. Let them sit on your lap or shoulder too. They also love having their necks scratched. I've done this for four straight days and two of my girls will run over to me and jump up on my arms or shoulder. (they are 4 weeks and I handled them a lot when they were born)

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