How to introduce 12 week olds to the flock


10 Years
Dec 19, 2009
haughton louisiana
I have an established flock of 3 hens and a roo of Barred rocks. I have a couple of 12 week old hens (1br and a mystery) and a few guinnees. I am assuming it is time to introduce them to the flock and am not sure how to go about doing this. we have been letting the two hens out to feed and the roo just beats them up. I need the brooder cause one of my hens is getting broody.

I guess I need to know how to introduce the hens and whaT IN THE HECK DO i DO WITH THE GUINEES. lol

The guninneea were an impule buy and I don't have a clue.
HEHEHEHE.......OK I know it is not hard to outsmart a chicken but........ Yesterday we let the grownups out to free range and snuck the two new hens into the coop, shut the door and left them there all day. Yesterday evening about the time the grownups were getting stressed out about getting in the roost we let them in and they went right to bed. This morning wifey slipped out the grownups and redid the same routine and so far everybody is happy with each other.

This evening the little ones even kept the roo out of the roost till they found their new spot!

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