How to introduce a rooster and a hen


8 Years
Feb 1, 2015
I have one rooster. I'd like to get some chickens. I know the peeps will be at the Tractor Store soon. If I got some chicks, when is it safe to introduce them to the rooster. How do I know which peeps are hens? An old farmer told me that if you pick a chick up by the head (between your index and middle fingers) the one who fights is the rooster.

I also heard that one rooster will need many hens or he will mate them to death. I want the chickens for eggs. Is this unfair to the rooster??
First of all you should have about at least 5 hens for one rooster. At Tractor supply you can buy out of the pullets bin (which only have hens) or straight run (which is cheaper but is a mixture of roosters and hens.). I do not advise that sexing trick the farmer told you.
I would suggest 1 rooster to 5-10 hens. He may be rather amorous to the hens, but generally the hens will put him in his place. Look at the wing feathers to sex chicks. If they are longer it is most likely a pullet. To see the difference, Google "chick wing sexing".
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When the chicks are old enough to not need a brooder and around full grown size, I would put a mesh or chicken wire divider so they can see each other but not get out and get injured or fight. After a few weeks, when they are used to seeing and hearing each other, remove the mesh. Watch interactions for a little bir. There may be some rough housing and small fights to establish who is boss but should resolve quickly and not cause major injury. If you see blood, separating the injured bird is wise. Stop the bleeding and return the bird to the area after a short time. They do not have to be the same breed to go in the same pen, unless you want them to look uniformly similar.

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