How to keep ducklings dry?


8 Years
Sep 11, 2011
My Indian Runner ducklings are getting wet from head to toe and look terrible. Their drinking water is not big enough to swim in, and yet they manage to get completely wet. They are not even a month old yet and so their fur is all crusted up and dirty from drying under the heat lamp. I thought they are not supposed to get wet until they are two months old, but I can't keep them dry. They are drinking out of a poultry waterer that has a small lip for the them to drink.

Here's what I'm using, thanks to advice gained reading this forum.

Waterer is a 2-quart vinegar bottle and feeder is a sour cream tub. Both have head-sized holes cut in them. The plate seems to catch the drips well, but I've only got 2 ducklings.
I go with the biggest cool whip containers with little half moons cut in the tops. Don't make the holes too big. and make sure the container you use holds plenty of water to weight it down. I had a pekin duckling get trapped inside an industrial size plastic jar maynoise jar by not following this advice. The holes were too low and big and the duckling was stranded and scraped up pretty bad when I got home. Thought for sure he was dead the way he was laying there. But a good washing in the sink with plain water and a daily cleaning afterward for a few days and he's the toughest of the bunch now.
Also, your ducks can totally go for supervised baths, especially at almost a month old. They will probably love the water and will get nice and clean! You will just need to make sure you're watching them, take them out if they look tired, and help them dry off a little bit and get them back nice and toasty under their lamp. They will love the water and you will have clean duckies! (At least for a little while)

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