How to keep eggs cool while storing them


5 Years
May 5, 2014
I have read that if eggs must be stored prior to incubation, they should be stored cool for maximum hatch rates - between 40 (or 50) and 60.

I am in Texas, so cool rarely happens naturally inside my house
- was wondering if there were any suggestions on how to achieve this temp artificially. I had considered getting a wine cooler (if goodwill had some cheep), but figured keeping the eggs on a turner would not be a bad idea either - the turner would probably not fit in a wine fridge.

I suspect if I really wanted to, I could use a pizzo electric chiller to slightly cool an insulated box - but was wondering if anyone had easier functional suggestions. I have several spare refrigerators - but I doubt I can set a compressor based system warm enough (one is a dedicated beverage fridge - so it is a possible maybe).
My home has in floor heat in all the rooms so I don't have a cool place to store them in the winter either. Recommended temp for storing is around 55 to 60 degrees but since I don't have a place like that I just put them out of the sun in my closet. I figure a hen doesn't store her eggs in a cool place before she broods them so I'm not going to worry about it either.

I know the 'experts' will wince when they read this but I do what works for me!
I have been told to store hatching eggs inside the cabinet under the kitchen sink. It stays cool enough. I have had good luck doing this until I am ready to put them in the incubator.
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If people use water bags, bottles, cups and the like, to keep bator temps steady why wouldn't cool water bags, jars or cups help keep eggs cool in a cooler?
Just a thought with total sleep deprivation from worrying about questions like these. Though I do love the learning curve that comes with it!
The 'bit' that I can retain and recall at will that is!

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