How to kill a rooster? HELP

My parents always did it this way. One hold the chicken's feet and wings, while the other holds the neck and slit its throat. The blood is collected in a container to be tossed out. The chicken is put into a bucket, hot water is poured onto it and ready to be de feathered.
It's mostly a matter of preference, but I prefer the slitting method. Since I'm going to be doing 75 in 8 weeks, I've been thinking of conducting an experiment where I get a few birds of as close weights as I can get, killing them in the various accepted manners and collecting the blood to weigh the amount I get from each method. I would have to guess it's going to be pretty close no matter what, but it will be interesting to find out.
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So what is it we are supposed to do with the blood? Is it saved for anything or just tossed?

OK, I'm just going to say this--I used a sharp fiskars tree pruner for a rooster yesterday. It was quick, and my first time jitters didn't make the poor rooster suffer as the other methods may have. I tried slitting the throat, but just got a little blood...
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As for the blood, some people save it and eat it or do a number of things with it. That's a bit much for me. I'm wasteful in FAR too many other areas of my life to start hoarding chicken blood. As for slitting, you have to cut on the side of the neck until it sprays you in the face. You'll definitely know it when you hit the right spot, but using a tree pruner does take the guesswork out of it!
I stun (law on it in my country) the animal first by holding its legs in one hand. Collect the wing tips in the same hand and swinging the animal against a hard object, such as a stump or stone so that his head hits the object. The rooster will immediately lose consciousness or die instantly.

Then I put it quickly on the chopping block, taking an ax and chop of the head.

The reason for the law on the stunning is that researchers have concluded that the head can live for at least 30 seconds after it is separated from the body ( = if you kill the animal withouth stunning it first here it is countes as animal cruelty:duc). When you stun the animal loses consciousness and there'd never wake up again... Beacuse they're dead before they can... Or how should i write it... Bah, bad english!
I also stun all my birds first with a whack to the head with a 1x2 board. That being said, that law seems ridiculous to the point of being funny. Not only does the stunning draw the process out more, but I would imagine that a dying bird head would have a little bit more to worry about than the 30 seconds of whatever possible pain it could feel on it's stump! My point being, no matter what you do, death is never going to be an easy, cuddly, painless process. While you should take all reasonable steps to ensure that your birds live, (and are killed) humanely, people who are that hung up on their birds possibly feeling a bit of pain at the moment of death should probably become vegetarians.

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