How to make a hen go broody?

You cannot make a hen go broody, unfortunately. It is totally dictated by hormones and if one goes broody it will only be when her hormones tell her to. You can do things to possibly encourage it such as leaving some eggs in a nesting box but there's no way to guarantee a hen will decide to sit.

What breeds are your hens? Some are much more likely to go broody than others. Some breeds have had the trait virtually eliminated from them.

If you want to hatch eggs on command, you'll need an incubator. You have about three weeks before the eggs are no longer fertile.
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You cannot make a hen go broody, unfortunately. It is totally dictated by hormones and if one goes broody it will only be when her hormones tell her to. You can do things to possibly encourage it such as leaving some eggs in a nesting box but there's no way to guarantee a hen will decide to sit.

What breeds are your hens? Some are much more likely to go broody than others. Some breeds have had the trait virtually eliminated from them.

If you want to hatch eggs on command, you'll need an incubator. You have about three weeks before the eggs are no longer fertile.
^^^^ This.
I agree with pyxis,
But if I want a hen to go broody, i place a large amount of fake eggs where they lay, and often one does go broody there, but when she does, make sure to switch the fake eggs with real ones!
Ok that's what I read! I'll try some fake eggs and see if I can. The rooster they came from being with is half dark brahma and half maran and sooo pretty

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