How to make a loft bird a house bird?


9 Years
Apr 2, 2015
Katy TX
Hi guys! So this month we decided to sell our homer flock to a couple who wanted their first birds after finishing their own loft. I decided this due to the increasingly constant hawk threat(I see it every other day now and it killed 3 birds that got out when I was gone for 2 weeks) and the fact that the field rats have returned and are as terrifyingly carnivorous as always (they even took a week old chick straight in front of its mom!) I sold all but my single male Figurita. He's been set up in our TV room away from the main house hustle as he settles in.
My question is this, How do I make him a comfortable and friendly house bird? He was originally a breeder for someone else and has never lived alone! He's more shy than anxious but I want him to be as confident in the house as he would be in the loft.(he can't stay in the loft and aviary any more due to repurposing it for poultry needs)
Any popular methods you guys have used to make a pigeon a happy house pet?
Hi guys! So this month we decided to sell our homer flock to a couple who wanted their first birds after finishing their own loft. I decided this due to the increasingly constant hawk threat(I see it every other day now and it killed 3 birds that got out when I was gone for 2 weeks) and the fact that the field rats have returned and are as terrifyingly carnivorous as always (they even took a week old chick straight in front of its mom!) I sold all but my single male Figurita. He's been set up in our TV room away from the main house hustle as he settles in.
My question is this, How do I make him a comfortable and friendly house bird? He was originally a breeder for someone else and has never lived alone! He's more shy than anxious but I want him to be as confident in the house as he would be in the loft.(he can't stay in the loft and aviary any more due to repurposing it for poultry needs)
Any popular methods you guys have used to make a pigeon a happy house pet?

Patience, a large cage set where you spend the most time, and safflower seeds offered by hand. They are social animals and will eventually gravitate toward you. Join us in the pigeon chat thread, I post about my house pigeon pretty often.

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